2018 BCAN Think Tank – Advancing Bladder Cancer Research

The 2018 Bladder Cancer Think Tank

August 2-4, 2018 | Denver, CO The Think Tank is the premier annual bladder cancer-specific medical meeting in North America and BCAN’s essential vehicle for advancing collaborative bladder cancer research efforts. Since its inception in 2006, this scientific meeting has focused on identifying obstacles and creating solutions in bladder cancer research, and has fostered discussions to help define priorities for advancing bladder cancer research.

TT18 Overarching Objectives: To create opportunities for collaboration among basic scientists, practitioners, advocates and industry partners to understand the impact of patient reported outcomes in research; increase understanding of the role of the microbiome in cancer and bladder disease; identify solutions to operational and regulatory complexities of clinical trials; and to better understand Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma.


Keynote Address: Dr. Joe Selby, PCORI

Board Reception and Patient Advocate presentation on Thursday, August 2.


Contributions of the Microbiome to Cancer and Bladder Disease Panel

Solving the Clinical Trial Conundrum Panel

UTUC: From Improvization to Research-Driven Care Panel

BCAN Research

Breakout session photos