Mike’s Story

While working in the office one day, Mike noticed something that stopped him in his tracks—blood in his urine. Alarmed and unsure what this could mean, he immediately called his wife, Kathy, who shared his concern. They agreed without hesitation that he needed to see his doctor as soon as possible.

At the appointment, the doctor explained that blood in the urine could be a warning sign of something serious and that further investigation was necessary. Mike’s concern deepened when the doctor mentioned bladder cancer as a potential diagnosis. Understanding the urgency, Mike made an appointment with the specialists at the Urology Center of Colorado, where a more thorough evaluation could be done.

After undergoing a cystoscopy, Mike anxiously awaited the results, hoping for good news. However, his doctor soon confirmed the presence of a tumor within his bladder. The news hit Mike hard, and one of his biggest fears quickly surfaced—what if he lost his bladder?

“It was very scary and made me think, oh my gosh, they’re going to have to go to a… removal of the bladder.” -Mike

Despite his fears, Mike knew he needed to stay strong and focused on the next steps in his treatment journey—BCG, a common treatment for bladder cancer. He approached the process with cautious optimism, hoping the therapy would effectively stop the progression of the disease. However, as time went on, it became clear that he wasn’t responding to BCG treatment. The tumor persisted.

“I was very shook up when I learned that BCG wasn’t as effective as I’d hoped.” -Mike

With the support of Kathy and guidance from his medical team, Mike was determined to face this challenge head-on. When his doctor recommended participating in a clinical trial for a new and innovative drug called ADSTILADRIN, Mike agreed. What stood out most to Mike was the manageable schedule—he would only need to go in for treatment once every 3 months. Fewer appointments would not only mean less disruption to his daily life but also allow him to spend more quality time with Kathy and focus on the activities he loved, like raising miniature horses. For Mike, this wasn’t just about convenience—it was about reclaiming a sense of control and stability in his life during an uncertain time. He was even able to return to work after treatment and maintain his normal work routine.

After starting the trial, he began to see incredible progress. His medical team grew more optimistic as his body responded positively to the treatment. After the first treatment, the results were positive. More than 6 years later, he continues to be completely cancer-free, with no evidence of NMIBC.

“He told me there are no tumors, and this gave me a tremendous feeling of hope and joy.” -Mike

Today, Mike’s story serves as a testament to the potential of innovative therapies, like ADSTILADRIN, to transform lives and redefine what is possible in uro-oncology care. He is STIL doing it his way: finding balance, enjoying retirement with Kathy, and pursuing his passion of raising miniature horses at his home in Colorado. Although this is Mike’s story, individual results may vary.

Learn more about ADSTILADRIN and Ferring Uro-Oncology’s commitment to those with bladder cancer at adstiladrin.com and ferringusa.com.

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