Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network Social Media Community Guidelines

The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network aims to create a welcoming environment where individuals can access resources and support related to bladder cancer.

Community Conduct: BCAN is committed to maintaining a respectful and constructive online community. We welcome diverse opinions, but any content that harasses, threatens, or demeans others will be removed. Inappropriate or offensive material, including but not limited to defamatory, discriminatory or illegal content will not be tolerated. Posts must stay on topic and adhere to community guidelines to preserve the integrity of discussions. Any content promoting spam, marketing, or violating intellectual property will be deleted.

Medical Information and Research: BCAN is committed to fostering a respectful and supportive community by sharing information based on verified, reliable sources. While we do not verify the accuracy of information shared by individuals on their platforms, to ensure the safety and well-being of our community, posts or comments containing information that is not in line with established medical guidelines or lacks verification may be removed.

For personalized support or inquiries, please contact BCAN directly through our official channels.

Misinformation Policy: Our goal is to maintain a space where individuals can share and receive credible information while protecting against potentially harmful or misleading claims. If you see misinformation being spread, please report it to us either via a direct message on the social media platform or by email at [email protected]. BCAN will respond by reviewing the content and, if necessary, removing the post and providing the correct information. In cases of repeated or intentional misinformation, further action may be taken, including banning users.

No Medical Advice: While our community is a great place to share experiences, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. We encourage all members to consult with a healthcare provider for any medical concerns or questions.  

Public Comments: BCAN does not endorse or verify the accuracy of comments posted by users on our social media platforms. The opinions and statements shared by community members do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of BCAN. While we aim to foster an open and supportive dialogue, BCAN reserves the right to remove any content that violates our guidelines.

Personal Information: Social media is not a secure platform for sharing private or sensitive information. Please refrain from posting personal data such as medical details, contact information, or financial records. To discuss personal health concerns related to bladder cancer, we encourage individuals to contact BCAN through private, secure methods.

Content Use: By participating in our social media platforms, you grant BCAN permission to use, reproduce, and share your content for promotional purposes. This includes republishing comments, images, or other material posted on our social media channels.

Who We Follow: BCAN selectively follows accounts on social media platforms and does so based on our organizational mission. Our decision to follow, like, or share content from other accounts does not imply endorsement of those individuals, organizations, or their services.

User Responsibility: Users are responsible for their own content and actions on BCAN’s social media platforms. Should any legal issues arise from your posts or comments, you agree to hold BCAN and its affiliates harmless.

BCAN reserves the right to remove comments, ban users, or update these guidelines without prior notice to ensure a safe and supportive community.

Contact Us: For questions about these guidelines or to report a concern, please contact us at [email protected].