2021 Bladder Cancer Summit for Patients and Families

What is the Bladder Cancer Summit?

Once a year, the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network brings together bladder cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers to share stories, experiences, and information about the disease. The 2021 Bladder Cancer Summit was held via Zoom on Saturday, October 9, 2021.

During the BCAN Summit, participants:

  • Learned how BCAN programs and services can help in their bladder cancer journey.
  • Discovered how patient centered research and contribute input into future bladder cancer studies.
  • Heard leading bladder cancer experts discuss recent and upcoming bladder cancer research advances.
  • Connected with other bladder cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers who know exactly what each other are going through.

In case you missed it, you can view the 2021 Bladder Cancer Summit Recordings:

Summit Welcome | With Andrea Maddox-Smith, BCAN CEO and Co-Founder Diane Zipursky Quale

Walk Through BCAN Resources Learn about new programs, resources and services to inspire and inform you along your bladder cancer journey, with Stephanie Chisolm, PhD, Director of Education and Advocacy 

Watch the New Developments in Bladder Cancer | Interactive discussion of new and exciting treatments for bladder cancer with Scientific Advisory Board Chair, Dr. Elizabeth Plimack, urologist Dr. Jennifer Taylor and medical oncologist Dr. Jean Hoffman-Censits .

Learn How to Get Involved | Find out more about BCAN programs, services and opportunities to engage in the BCAN bladder cancer community with the BCAN team. 

BCAN thanks our 2021 Bladder Cancer Summit Sponsors: