
  • Funding research

    Your contribution matters in the fight against bladder cancer! Your donation helps to fund programs that support our mission to educate, advocate and provide services to patients and families affected by bladder cancer. You may make a one-time donation or set-up a recurring gift to help further our work.

  • Clinical Trials

    A clinical trial is a research study that tries to find better ways to prevent, screen for, diagnose, or treat a disease.  Clinical trials are an essential part of cancer research.  They may provide possible treatment alternatives to patients who have not had success with standard and approved therapies.  People who take part in cancer clinical trials have an opportunity to contribute to the knowledge of, and progress against, cancer.

  • Bladder Cancer Think Tank

    Through our annual Bladder Cancer Think Tank Meeting, BCAN has created an essential vehicle for advancing collaborative research efforts in bladder cancer.  This scientific retreat is the premier annual bladder cancer-specific medical meeting in North America.   Since its inception in 2006, the Think Tank meeting has focused on identifying obstacles and creating solutions in bladder cancer research, and has fostered discussions to help define priorities for advancing bladder cancer research.

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  • Research Grants

    BCAN is committed to supporting bladder cancer research. From its inception, BCAN has cultivated a strong partnership with the leading members of the bladder cancer medical community to encourage collaboration among all the parties dedicated to the study of bladder cancer and its prevention, diagnosis and treatment. BCAN’s current research priorities are guided by the Bladder Cancer Research Network (BRCN) Management Committee.

  • Bladder Cancer Research Network

    Recognizing the need to more aggressively engage the research community, BCAN created the BCRN–the Bladder Cancer Research Network— the cornerstone of our research mission.  This division is led by members of the Management Committee, comprised of leading doctors and scientists representing all aspects of bladder cancer research, including urology, medical oncology, basic science, pathology, radiation oncology and population science.

  • Bladder Cancer Genomics Consortium

    In an effort to further advance bladder cancer research, BCAN launched the Bladder Cancer Genomics Consortium (BCGC) in  2015. The BCGC’s ultimate goal is to provide the opportunity for every patient to be an exceptional responder to personalized therapy while advancing collaborative research to support the development of life-saving treatments for bladder cancer.

  • Patient Survey Network

    The BCAN Patient Survey Network (PSN) is a network of engaged patients and caregivers affected by bladder cancer, created in 2014. The PSN was designed to allow those most affected by bladder cancer to voice their opinions in research.

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  • Advancing Bladder Cancer Research

    Learn more about advanced bladder cancer research and discover the latest research in BCAN’s official journal, Bladder Cancer.