Bladder Cancer Was Her Third Type of Cancer with Sue S.


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In Episode 43 of Bladder Cancer Matters, host Rick Bangs talks with bladder cancer survivor, Sue. Sue’s story is both meaningful and inspirational – bladder cancer was her third different cancer diagnosis.

Sue with her daughters

Rick and Sue talk about her journey with the three different cancers, including:

  • The signs and symptoms that Sue experienced with her prior diagnoses for thyroid and breast cancer
  • What drove her to see her doctor when she began experiencing blood in her urine
  • How her bladder cancer treatment experience was different than her prior two bouts with cancer
  • How Sue grappled with whom to tell about her cancer diagnoses and when
  • Her experience with BCG treatments
  • How adding Interferon to her BCG treatments helped her
  • Tips that she has for others who have to undergo cystoscopies
  • How Sue discovered BCAN and how the organization has helped her

Sue also volunteers in BCAN’s Survivor to Survivor program that matches newly diagnosed bladder cancer patients with survivors who have undergone similar experiences.

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