Art As Therapy

BCAN is looking for submissions for our Art As Therapy campaign. We are soliciting a form of art that has been therapeutic for you during your or a loved one’s bladder cancer journey. With permission, we will select BCAN community members’ works of art and feature them on our web site and our social media channels during May, Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.

If you are interested in sharing your art with the larger BCAN community, please fill out the form below and attach your art form. Examples include:

  • Pictures of paintings, sculptures, knitting, quilts and other works of art you found helpful (please make sure the photos are well-lit, in focus and contain the entire art form)
  • A short essay (500 words or less) or poem
  • A link to a video that you produced related to your journey and is already online
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Max upload size: 5 MB | Allowed files: .png, .gif, .jpg, .doc, .ppt, .pdf
YouTube or Vimeo link
Watch this short video for an introduction to Art As Therapy.

Thank you!