Bladder Cancer Briefs January 18, 2023

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Scott’s Story: Bladder Cancer Didn’t Stop Me

Scott was in his 50s when he first learned he had bladder cancer. For the majority of his life, he has always been fit. As Scott got older, he adjusted his diet and approach to continue being active. When he discovered he had bladder cancer, he was in disbelief.

Scott at the winner’s podium in Finland

Despite being diagnosed with bladder cancer, Scott was still able to go on to win two Master’s Track and Field gold medals and win a number of national championships. Scott’s story is a unique and a great inspiration to those who fear their lives will never be the same.

Although Scott had to adjust his training and workout schedule around his treatments, he says he has had one of the best years ever competing the year that he was diagnosed. e told BCAN, “…I have won five U.S. Nationals Masters Track and Field Championships, two World Championships and set two American Age Group records. As icing on the cake, I also discovered that I have been awarded the Tom Gage Male USA Masters Throws Athlete of the Year.”

Being diagnosed with bladder cancer does not have to mean he end of your life’s journey. During treatments, Scott and his wife found a way to embrace these difficult times. Scott believes that one’s attitude can significantly impact not only mental health but physical as well.

Read Scott’s Scott’s full, amazing story.

Resources for Patients and Families

Scott’s story shows that many bladder cancer patients can survive and thrive after their diagnoses. Learn more about bladder cancer survival rates here.