BCAN San Diego Chapter

About the San Diego Chapter

The BCAN San Diego Chapter was formed by a group of people personally affected by bladder cancer.  Although bladder cancer is the 6th most commonly diagnosed form of cancer, there remains a shockingly low level of awareness. Bladder cancer has a recurrence rate of 50-80%, yet many of us had never heard of this disease until it personally affected our lives.

Each individual has firsthand experiences with bladder cancer either as a caregiver or patient.  This enables us to identify the emotions associated with a new diagnosis as well as the person currently under some type of treatment.

We increase public awareness and provide education and support through the distribution of educational literature, enlisting guest speakers at our bi-annual support group, visiting physicians and medical facilities, attending at community health fairs, and organization of our local BCAN Walk to End Bladder Cancer.

Moral support is our number one concern.  San Diego is excited to be a newer chapter and our goal is to grow in members and make a difference wherever we can.


President: Karen Gross

Vice President: Debby Leedy

Treasurer: Larry Gross

Secretary: Joanne Piechota

Email: SanDiego@bcan.org

Local Support Groups

Meetings are held at various local restaurants on the first Sunday at 12:30pm.  Held in January, March, May (BCAN Walk), July, September, and November.

Contact Karen Gross at 909-856-1807 or gardenerca@gmail.com for more information.

Open to all survivors, patients in treatment, newly diagnosed and family members.  Please join us!