CLEAR Care Companion Application


  • Org Study ID: UMCC 2021.077
  • Secondary ID: N/A
  • NCT ID: NCT05578898
  • Sponsor: University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center


Hospital readmissions are common after major cancer surgery, leading to poorer patient outcomes, increased mortality and additional costs. In this study, Clinical and Engineering Approaches to Readmission (CLEAR) Care Companion Application, investigators aim to utilize a smartphone application that tracks concerning postoperative symptoms and provides educational interventions to determine if this can minimize delays in communication between patients and medical providers, increase patient satisfaction with the care received, and reduce or lessen the severity of readmissions.


Patients complete clinically meaningful questions and validated questionnaires pertaining to physiological and psychological symptoms that serve as early indicators of readmission, with the aim to improve experience by empowering patient to be active participants in their recovery, identify complications early to minimize morbidity and reduce overall readmissions.

The study has the following three objectives: (1) Assess patient engagement with the CLEAR Care Companion application for patients that have undergone radical cystectomy (2) Measure patient experience with the application and its effect on satisfaction with overall care (3) Evaluate the effect of the application on case complexity (readmission intensity) and overall readmission rates.

  • Overall Status
  • Start Date
    August 12, 2022
  • Phase
    Not Applicable
  • Study Type


Primary Outcome 1 - Measure: Frequency of engagement with application

Primary Outcome 1 - Timeframe: 42 days post hospital discharge

Primary Outcome 2 - Measure: Duration of engagement with application

Primary Outcome 2 - Timeframe: 42 days post hospital discharge

Primary Outcome 3 - Measure: Patient Experience Survey -- Overall Care (all participants)

Primary Outcome 3 - Timeframe: 42 days post hospital discharge

Primary Outcome 4 - Measure: Patient Experience Survey -- Overall Care (first 20 participants)

Primary Outcome 4 - Timeframe: 42 days post hospital discharge

Primary Outcome 5 - Measure: Readmission intensity

Primary Outcome 5 - Timeframe: 42 days post hospital discharge


  • Bladder Cancer
  • Radical Cystectomy


Inclusion Criteria:
* Patients undergoing a radical cystectomy with reconstruction through GU Oncology Clinic

- * Patient at the University of Michigan (Michigan Medicine)

- * Access to compatible smartphone or tablet device
Exclusion Criteria:
* Non-English speaking patients

- * Patients without access to a smart phone or tablet with internet capacity

Gender: All

Minimum Age: 18 Years

Maximum Age: N/A

Healthy Volunteers: No


Name: Jeffery Montgomery, M.D.

Role: Principal Investigator

Affiliation: University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center

Overall Contact

Name: N/A

Phone: N/A

Email: N/A


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