Meet the Chicago Walk to End Bladder Cancer Ambassador, Lauren Screeden

This year’s Ambassador for the May 2, 2020 Chicago Walk to End Bladder Cancer is Lauren Screeden.  Lauren’s day job is as the Chicago Bears Reporter & Co-Host of “Inside the Bears” with Spice Adams on FOX Chicago.

For Lauren, participating a Walk to End Bladder Cancer is personal as she lost her mom, Patty, to the disease in 2011.  Here are Lauren’s own words, describing why she walks:

“My name is Lauren Screeden and I am honored to be the 2020 Chicago BCAN Walk Ambassador. I created my team, Patty’s Pacers, and participated in my first Chicago BCAN Walk to End Bladder Cancer in 2014. Patty’s Pacers was created in memory of my beautiful mom, Patty, who lost her seven year battle to bladder cancer in 2011. I walk in memory of my mom, but I also walk in honor of all those fighting bladder cancer today and their loved ones who have been touched by this horrible disease.

I was born and raised in the Chicago area, like my mom, who embodied the true spirit of what it means to be a Chicagoan: Hard working, determined, and a loyal Cubs fan. Her deep Chicago roots and love for our city is ultimately what led me to my current career in sports journalism. For nearly five years, I have had the pleasure of working for the Chicago Bears as their team reporter and TV/digital host. Outside of work, I love going on adventures with my husband and being a crazy dog mom to our yellow lab, Chevy. I am so excited to meet my fellow Chicago walkers on May 2, 2020 and look forward to together making this year’s Walk to End Bladder Cancer a huge success.”

Lauren and her dog, Chevy, BCAN's biggest four-legged supporter in Chicago.
Lauren and her dog, Chevy, BCAN’s biggest four-legged supporter in Chicago.