Colin P.N. Dinney, MD

MD Anderson Cancer Center – Houston, Texas

Colin P. N. Dinney, MD is the Chairman of the Department of Urology and a Professor in the Division of Surgery at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.  Dr. Dinney received his medical degree from the University of Manitoba in Canada and did a two-year fellowship in urologic oncology at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.  He served as the PI of the M. D. Anderson Genitourinary SPORE in Bladder Cancer Research, which was awarded in September of 2001, until 2019. His bench and clinical research activities have focused on understanding the biology of metastatic bladder cancer and on the development of novel therapeutic strategies for both early and advanced disease. The current focus of his laboratory investigation is the development of immuno-gene therapy for NMIBC, and he directed the clinical development of Nadofaragene firadenovec for BCG unresponsive NMIBC.  His bibliography includes more than 300 papers and book chapters covering a wide variety of topics in urologic oncology, with an emphasis on bladder cancer.