Matthew I. Milowsky, MD

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center – Chapel Hill, NC

Matthew I. Milowsky, M.D. is The George Gabriel and Frances Gable Villere Distinguished Professor of Bladder and Genitourinary Cancer Research, Vice Chief for Research and Section Chief of the Genitourinary Oncology Service in the Division of Oncology at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. He also serves as a Program Leader for Clinical Research and Co-Director of the Urologic Oncology Program at the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Milowsky is a medical oncologist and clinical and translational researcher. His clinical interest is in the treatment of patients with genitourinary cancers with a focus on the care of patients with advanced bladder cancer. His research involves the development of novel therapies for patients with urologic cancers with a particular interest in the design of clinical trials that utilize immunotherapy as well as those that use an integrated genomics approach to characterize urothelial cancers for genetic alterations that may represent targets for novel agents. He chairs the BCAN Bladder Cancer Genomics Consortium (BCGC) and serves as Principal Investigator for BCAN’s Urothelial Cancer-GENOmic Analysis to iMprove Patient Outcomes and rEsearch study (UC-GENOME), a large-scale genomically-driven bladder cancer study in partnership with eight academic medical centers recognized for their expertise in bladder cancer to foster collaborative translational research to better understand the biology of bladder cancer and develop new therapies.