Molly Ingersoll, PhD

Institut Pasteur

Dr. Ingersoll received her PhD in host-pathogen interactions from NYU School of Medicine in New York City working with Arturo Zychlinsky at NYU and at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, Germany. After a brief postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine, in St Louis, MO with Scott Hultgren, studying innate immunity to urinary tract infection, she moved back to New York for a postdoctoral fellowship at Mount Sinai Medical Center, investigating monocyte and dendritic cell biology with Gwen Randolph.

Dr. Ingersoll moved to Paris in 2012 to establish a group at the Institut Pasteur. Currently, she has a dual affiliation as a Directeur de Recherche/Research Director at Pasteur and Institut Cochin, where they recently relocated. There, her team studies Mucosal Inflammation and Immunity and she will continue to investigate mucosal immunity and the response to immunotherapy in the bladder in the context of infection and bladder cancer.