
“It is our hope that the My Bladder Cancer Story campaign will be an avenue for those affected by bladder cancer to share their stories to be a voice for those who, for far too long, have felt alone in this fight against this disease.”

Andrea Maddox-Smith, BCAN CEO
Share Your Story
  • Rick’s Story: “I was spared to help save others.”

    A seemingly insignificant black speck in his urine during a routine bathroom break turned out to be a signal of a profound change in Rick Bulifant’s life. What started as a tiny anomaly led him down a path of medical appointments, a daunting diagnosis, and eventually, a life-saving surgery. This… Read More
  • Duke’s Story: “It all comes down to the choices that we make in life.”

    Duke Dahlin never imagined that traces of blood in his urine would later lead to a diagnosis of stage two bladder cancer. After a challenging recovery and with the support of family and BCAN, he navigated this journey and has returned to doing the things he used to love. Duke’s… Read More
  • Tim’s Story: “We are strong. We are positive. We are together.”

    Tim Stanley came across blood in his urine, thinking it was a kidney stone, but further tests revealed not just stones but something he never expected: bladder cancer. His recovery was not easy, but with support from his family and the BCAN community, his journey taught him the importance of… Read More
  • Jon’s Story: “I encourage folks to do their own research.”

    It began with subtle signs dismissed until a pivotal moment sparked urgent action. From diagnosis to treatment, setbacks to triumphs, Jon Treffert’s story encapsulates the essence of perseverance and the transformative power of modern medicine. Here is Jon’s story about navigating his bladder cancer journey through uncertainty, hope, and the… Read More
  • Frank’s Story: “We are not alone in this battle.”

    It was the Spring of 2023 when Frank Boyer received the devastating diagnosis of bladder cancer. Despite his initial shock, surrounded by loved ones and guided by his medical team, he embarked on a journey of resilience and determination. Here is his story: “You have cancer,” those are words… Read More
  • Brian’s Story

    A routine MRI for a work-related injury revealed a jarring presence: a hidden tumor in Brian’s bladder. He had actually had blood in his urine since 2018. Following a transurethral resection of bladder tumor, the diagnosis was clear: bladder cancer. Yet, amidst uncertainty, Brian Trickel found solace in the support… Read More
  • Ronald’s Story: “Trust your gut.”

    During a routine bathroom visit, the sight of very dark urine followed by pure red prompted urgent calls to the urologist and primary care doctor. Confirmatory tests, including X-rays and a cystoscopy, swiftly revealed the truth: a bladder tumor. At that moment, the line between the familiar and the unknown… Read More
  • Joe’s Story: “I am not alone on this journey.”

    Amid other health issues, Joe Moore’s bladder cancer diagnosis arrived unexpectedly. The sight of blood in his urine prompted concern which encouraged him to undergo tests where it was revealed that he had a tumor in his bladder. He embarked on his journey into a cancer diagnosis, marked by uncertainty… Read More
  • Jim’s Story: “It’s been a long journey, but I’ve been hopeful all the time. There is a positive out of this.”

    Blood in the urine led Jim Rieker to a startling discovery: a tumor in his bladder. Diagnosed with aggressive bladder cancer, swift action was required. He braced himself for surgery to confront this relentless adversary. However, through his discovery of BCAN, as well as guidance from a bladder cancer survivor… Read More