
Mark Story
Director of Communications and Marketing
mstory@bcan.org | 301-215-9099

Tri-Modality Therapy

Presented by Jason McKiernan, MD, from the Columbia University Hospital, and Jason Efstathiou, MD, PhD,from Massachusetts General Hospital. Year: 2019 Part I: Background and Outcomes of Trimodality Therapy Video | … Read more

Presented by Debra Silverman, ScD, from the National Cancer Institute, Lynn Thorp from Clean Water Action, and Polly Hoppin, ScD, from the University of Massachusetts discuss bladder cancer environmental risk factors. Year: 2018… Read more

Presented by Matthew Galsky, MD, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Year: 2018 Part I: Bladder Cancer Basics & An Introduction to Chemotherapy  Video… Read more

Presented by Matthew Mossanen, MD, from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Guru Sonpavde, MD, from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and from Mayo Clinic and Kent Mouw, MD, PhD, from the Brigham… Read more

How to be a Proactive Patient

How to be a Proactive Patient Presented by Dr. Stephen Riggs from the Carolinas HealthCare System and Mary Dunn, nurse practitioner from the University of North Carolina at… Read more

End of Life Conversations

The Toughest Conversation | Loss and End of Life Presented by  Dr. Daniela Wittmann from the University of Michigan Year: 2017 Part I: Grief… Read more