Patient Resources for Healthcare Professionals

The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) is committed to helping bladder cancer healthcare professionals help their patients and families learn about every aspect of bladder cancer. BCAN is pleased to provide a range of print and online patient education resources free of charge to help your patients understand their diagnosis and treatment options. Please feel free to share this information with your patients and their families.

Bladder Cancer Basics Handbook: Bulk Orders for Healthcare Professionals

BCAN’s updated comprehensive Bladder Cancer Basics handbook for patients is available, free of charge in English and Spanish.

Help your patients learn about their diagnosis and treatment options to enable them, with your guidance, to make informed choices about their continued medical care.

The handbook offers a variety of information about the disease including the types of tests used to diagnose bladder cancer, what it means to “stage” and “grade” the disease, an overview of the types of treatments prescribed, including recently approved immunotherapies, as well as resources for the proactive patient. Many thanks to the doctors, nurses, and BCAN volunteers who contributed to the content of the booklet.

Your patients can also download their own copy of Bladder Cancer Basics.

Get the Facts About Bladder Cancer

Get the Facts are one page, plain-language explanations of bladder cancer treatments and tests that can help you explain these common procedures. BCAN is pleased to provide these fact sheets including tips from patients about what to expect before, during and after common bladder cancer treatments and procedures. “Get the Facts” were developed with guidance by BCAN’s Survivorship Working Group and patient advocates and are available in English and Spanish. Share this link to the Get the Facts page or print them out for your patients. Topics include:

Bladder Cancer Video Animations

Refer your patients or share these short video animation explanations with a tablet or phone. Help your patients understand important bladder cancer terms and procedures, including:

  • What is bladder cancer?
  • What is a biopsy?
  • What is a cystectomy?
  • What is a cystoscopy?
  • What is hematuria?
  • What is a TURBT?
  • What is advanced bladder cancer and how is it treated?
  • What is intravesical therapy?
  • What is bladder preservation?
  • What is UTUC?

Webinars and Treatment Talks

The extensive BCAN Patient Insight Webinars and Treatment Talk video recordings, along with full transcripts addressing a wide range of topics and treatments, are available for viewing any time. We encourage you to refer your patients to our online video library.

Topic categories include treatment, diagnosis, prevention and recurrence, clinical trials, survivorship, nutrition and Treatment Talks with bladder cancer experts and patients. If you have an idea or would like to be a presenter for a future Patient Insight Webinar or Treatment Talk, contact us at

Bladder Cancer Matters Podcast

Bladder Cancer Matters” is a podcast by, for and about the bladder cancer community.  In each episode, patient advocate host Rick Bangs chats with interesting guests and gets their perspectives on bladder cancer research, treatment, caregiving and survivorship.

Bladder Cancer Treatments – Helping Patients Compare Their Options

Show your patients how they can search by their diagnosis or your recommended treatments to learn about the benefits of different options, with BCAN’s treatment matrix webpage.

Patient Support Programs

BCAN provides a unique patient support program. Our Survivor-to-Survivor program matches patients or caregivers with trained volunteers who share their bladder cancer treatment experience on a supportive phone call.

Bladder Cancer Support Line

In partnership with CancerCare, BCAN has launched a toll-free support line for bladder cancer patients, their loved ones and the bereaved.

By calling 833-ASK-4-BCA (833-275-4222), callers will be connected with professional oncology social workers with specific expertise on issues affecting bladder cancer patients and their families. The call center’s staff will address the emotional, practical and informational needs of the bladder cancer community including those who have lost loved ones to the disease.

If you have expertise in diagnosing or treating bladder cancer and are interested in conducting a Patient Insight Webinar or Treatment Talk program, send a note to the education team at with a brief description of your idea.

Bladder Cancer App

BCAN offers a free app for mobile devices that enables patients to explore treatments that might be right for them, search for clinical trials near them, find treatment facilities in their state and stay up-to-date on news in the bladder cancer space. The app is available on for Apple and Google Play. Learn more here.