Bladder Cancer Briefs June 28, 2023

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You Are Not Alone – Women and Bladder Cancer

Women who receive a bladder cancer diagnosis often share similar experiences. Many of them express how their symptoms were dismissed as “women’s issues,” such as a urinary tract infection, post-menopausal symptoms, or menstruation. Due to the perception that bladder cancer primarily affects men, disparities arise.

To enhance awareness and create a supportive community for women coping with bladder cancer, BCAN now offers a Female Focus Online Support Group. This platform allows women to come together, share their journeys, and find solidarity in one another’s stories. The support group is moderated by Karen Sachse, RN, MSN, a nurse and BCAN patient advocate, along with Miriam Pomerantz Kadosh, MSW, LCSW, a social worker from the Fox Chase Cancer Center.

We invite you to explore the support group and join other women in this battle. Even if you are not personally impacted, please consider sharing this information with a friend or family member who may benefit from this resource. Together, we can make a difference.

Resources for Patients and Families

Read Sebrena’s story and see how her diagnosis helped bring bladder cancer awareness to South Carolina.