
“It is our hope that the My Bladder Cancer Story campaign will be an avenue for those affected by bladder cancer to share their stories to be a voice for those who, for far too long, have felt alone in this fight against this disease.”

Andrea Maddox-Smith, BCAN CEO
Share Your Story
  • Dean’s Story: “You have to remember that life does not end when you’re diagnosed with bladder cancer.”

    Listen to our interview with Dean on BCAN’s Bladder Cancer Matters podcast: An overseas restroom stop transformed into an unforeseen encounter for Dean Karrel. The presence of blood in his urine hinted at more than a momentary worry. Upon returning to the States, he confronted an unexpected twist in… Read More
  • Bill’s Story: “I am eternally grateful I discovered bladder preservation.”

    The concept of bladder preservation was foreign to Bill Moroney until he received the startling news of a bladder cancer diagnosis following a visit to his family doctor. In the ensuing months, he grappled with a whirlwind of emotions, struggling to comprehend the implications of his diagnosis. Determined to confront the… Read More
  • David’s Story: “Make your first shot your best shot, even if it’s going to be a harder route.”

    An annual check-up took a distressing turn when David Klaus unexpectedly received a bladder cancer diagnosis. The discovery of blood in his urine had initially raised his concerns, but he never anticipated such a diagnosis. Despite the challenges he has encountered along his bladder cancer journey, he imparts a valuable… Read More
  • Len’s Story: “I noticed blood in my urine, and I said, This is really not good, period.”

    A bladder cancer diagnosis was the last thing Len Magnus expected to hear after seeing blood in his urine. His journey has not been easy, filled with many medical procedures, but he believes one of the things that helped him overcome his diagnosis was being able to be part of… Read More
  • Don’s Story: “Thanks to a totally unrelated cardiac MRI, my bladder cancer was caught before it could do further harm.”

    Don Hopkins was taken by surprise when his prostate cancer diagnosis unexpectedly uncovered bladder cancer as well. Despite the initial shock, he approached his diagnosis with determination and readiness. Don has faced significant challenges during his bladder cancer journey, but he considers himself fortunate that it was detected early. At… Read More
  • Timothy’s Story: “I knew if I stood up at that moment, I was going to pass out”

    “You have bladder cancer” are the words Timothy Powell never expected to hear. Throughout his career as an internal medicine physician and pediatrician, he devoted himself to caring for patients and assisting them in coping with their diagnoses. He never imagined that he would be on the receiving end of… Read More
  • Gary and Cecilia: Be Thankful That Every Day is Another Day of Success

    BCAN had the pleasure of speaking with Gary and Cecilia DeVore. Gary was diagnosed with stage three muscle-invasive bladder cancer in January 2021. The DeVores shed light on their journey from a caregiver and patient point of view. BCAN: What symptoms did you experience before your diagnosis? Gary: I noticed… Read More
  • Jon’s Story: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

    Two years ago, at the age of 42, I faced a life-changing diagnosis. Despite experiencing uncomfortable symptoms for six months, it was only after noticing discoloration in my urine accompanied by blood clots that I decided to seek medical attention. Due to the pandemic, I hesitated to see a doctor,… Read More
  • Glenn’s Story: Sharing My Journey to Help Others

    April 1, 2023 will be the two-year anniversary of my bladder cancer diagnosis and a few months short of my 75th birthday. I am glad to have this opportunity to relate my bladder cancer story to this point because, based on my experiences, my story will hopefully reduce some anxiety… Read More