
“It is our hope that the My Bladder Cancer Story campaign will be an avenue for those affected by bladder cancer to share their stories to be a voice for those who, for far too long, have felt alone in this fight against this disease.”

Andrea Maddox-Smith, BCAN CEO
Share Your Story
  • Michael’s Cancer Journey(s)

    Bladder cancer is an insidious disease and has a high rate of recurrence.  Michael Morigi of Staten Island, NY, has had bladder cancer.  And prostate cancer.  Bladder cancer was his first bout with the “Big C.” In 2009, Michael was feeling off.  He described it as a strange, “itchy” feeling… Read More
  • David’s Story: Never Give Up and Try to Stay Active

    In 2008, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Before my initial diagnosis, I had just started a new job and did not have health insurance when my symptoms appeared. I eventually went to the emergency room, where I received an ultrasound and the ER doctor informed me that they found… Read More
  • Alan’s Story: Celebrating My One Year “Stomaversary”

    In 1980, I was diagnosed with Reiter’s syndrome, an autoimmune disease consisting of a triad of symptoms, iritis, urethritis, and arthritis. Over the years, individual symptoms would occasionally flare up. My eyes would burn, or my joints would hurt, and if all three flared up simultaneously, I would have… Read More
  • “Guess what, Jim? You have some urine in your blood.”

    Vietnam Veteran and BCAN volunteer, Jim Scott shares his bladder cancer story at the 2018 Bladder Cancer Think Tank Read Jim’s interview with the American Homefront Project, “More Vietnam vets now qualify for disability benefits, but it may be years before they see the money.” My name is… Read More
  • Carlos’s Story: Bladder Cancer Didn’t Stop Me

    Carlos and his wife, Angie, on vacation in British Columbia. It was in the fall of 2016 when I noticed that sometimes my urine would have a slight discoloration. It was very subtle, just a light pink tinge that would only happen occasionally. I really did not think anything of… Read More
  • Glenn’s Story: My Mother Had Bladder Cancer, I Had Bladder Cancer

    Glenn H., his wife and his mother, who also had bladder cancer. In the summer of 2009, I began having trouble urinating and voiding. At the time I was 54 and thought “Well, maybe it’s the prostate or something,” but it eventually went away. My family and I took a… Read More
  • Dave’s Story: My Journey With Bladder Cancer

    This article is for those who are about to embark on this journey, or those working with patients dealing with bladder cancer. Why read it? Simple. Knowledge is power. In this case, knowing what may lie ahead when your body has become the home for cancer cells is important. Hopefully,… Read More
  • Bill’s Story: Unfair and a Big Scare

    This story has been provided by Bill Seavey.  It has been edited for brevity. How does an active tennis playing and hiking/biking early 70 year old white male–who never had any bad health habits–get diagnosed with a particularly virulent form of cancer about which medical professionals can’t very often definitively… Read More
  • Burt’s Story: When I heard the words “You have bladder cancer,” it was a gut punch

    I am a nephrologist and have been practicing medicine since 1976, so I look at my bladder cancer journey somewhat differently than others might.  I was having some difficulty urinating and in the process of having my prostate looked at, my doctor came out afterwards and said, “Oh, by the… Read More