Young adult

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  • Shoba’s Story: A Kidney Transplant and Then Three Different Cancers

    Watch Shoba’s TedX talk about her journey The first symptom I had for my first cancer was blood in my urine.  I had already had a kidney transplant when I was 23, seven years prior to that, so I had constant follow up appointments with a nephrologist. Read More
  • Kristen’s Story: I Was 22 Years Old When I Was Diagnosed

    At the age of 22, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. For eight months, I had been experiencing bloating, burning during urination and abdominal pain. Initially, I thought it might be hormonal due to stopping my birth control. This prompted me to see my gynecologist, who told me I was… Read More
  • Gabrielle’s Pregnancy Saved Her Life

    “Cancer was the last thing on my mind” Cancer was the last thing on my mind when I started noticing blood in my urine and having abdominal pain. I underwent extensive fertility treatments in 2021 to have my baby and was 16 weeks pregnant when I first saw the bleeding. Read More
  • Shelby Got Bladder Cancer at 21 Years of Age

    I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2021 at the age of 21. One day I decided to make an appointment to see my OB/GYN because I was having what I thought were painful periods. The doctor did the usual pap smear, which was painful. I have a family history… Read More
  • Jill’s Story – Diagnosed at 34

    I was diagnosed with stage IV bladder cancer in April 0f 2012.  I was 34 years old.  I had been in and out of the hospital prior to that because I could not urinate.  As it turned out, I had tumors wrapped around part of my bladder. When the doctor… Read More
  • Ben Manages an Unexpected Diagnosis

    Ben and his wife with their son. It all started in December of 2017. I was at a wedding and I urinated some blood. It was not a lot, but it had me worried. My wife is a nurse practitioner, so anything medical I go to her. I told her,… Read More
  • Megan’s Bladder Cancer Story

    Megan Landy, on the right. It was in 2016, I was 25 and in Physician Assistant (PA) School. I believe it started around the summertime, and I just kept feeling like I was having the classic urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms. But I had no hematuria and I actually… Read More
  • Father and Daughter-Unlikely BCG Buddies

    Father and daughter are unlikely BCG buddies While older men are the most likely to be diagnosed with bladder cancer, imagine our surprise when BCAN met Mike Bartlett and his daughter Kristin Hoisington at the 2018 Houston Walk to End Bladder Cancer. Fifty-seven-year-old Mike was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2016, after his primary care physician sent him to… Read More
  • Jeff’s Bladder Cancer Story

    Only 30 at the time of his diagnosis, Jeff is not your typical bladder cancer patient. Now four years and three children after his diagnosis, Jeff views his experience as an opportunity to raise awareness as well as funds to support research to end bladder cancer. Read More