Young adult

“It is our hope that the My Bladder Cancer Story campaign will be an avenue for those affected by bladder cancer to share their stories to be a voice for those who, for far too long, have felt alone in this fight against this disease.”

Andrea Maddox-Smith, BCAN CEO
Share Your Story
  • Mary Beth’s Bladder Cancer Story

    I was 28 when I was diagnosed. I had just started a new job. We were house hunting... Read More
  • Anna’s Bladder Cancer Story

    Diagnosed in 2008 at age 41 with bladder cancer  In August, 2008, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. At the time, I was a 41-year-old physically fit non-smoker and, like most, thought that bladder cancer was a disease that only affected male senior citizens. Read More
  • Monica’s Bladder Cancer Story

    Diagnosed in 2005 at age 30 with non-invasive bladder cancer Key message: Don’t ignore any aches, pains, or feelings that something is not right within your body. Be attentive and aggressive with your medical care and know that you do not have to face this journey… Read More