
Share Your Story
  • Brenda’s Road to Cancer Freedom

    In December 2001, my life changed when I was diagnosed with bladder cancer.  In the summer of 2001, I noticed urinary changes that I attributed to turning 48 years old.  Continency and frequency became issues and my urine turned cloudy with a tinge of darkish red from time to time. … Read More
  • Clinical trial patients…are never forgotten.

    BCAN asked Dr. Andrea Apolo, Chief of the Bladder Cancer Section of the Genitourinary Malignancies Branch of the National Cancer Institute, what researchers learn from bladder cancer patients who do not survive in a clinical trial. This is what she shared with us: Mr. Read More
  • Marilu Henner Encourages Tough Talks on Bladder Cancer

    For Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, BCAN and actress Marilu Henner have partnered with Genentech, a member of the Roche group, to share her personal story and help people navigate challenging – but necessary – conversations about bladder cancer. Marilu knows firsthand the importance of these discussions. Read More
  • Renata Bladder Cancer Story About Her Husband

    We thought my husband Ahmad’s bladder cancer was well under control after the original diagnosis of low grade Stage Ta, in 2011. He had several TURBTs, a partial cystectomy, and cystoscopies every three months. Dealing with the Stage Ta diagnosis, was… Read More
  • Frank – Two Cancers Didn’t Stop Me

    I am a non-smoking prostate cancer survivor who was treated with radiation and hormones. In 2015, I passed some blood tinged urine. This sent me to my urologist who did a urineanalysis and cystoscopy along with a CT urogram.  It… Read More
  • Marge’s Bladder Cancer Story

    My husband Bill was diagnosed with bladder cancer in May 2010, just before the Memorial Day holiday. He was experiencing blood in his urine and immediately reached out to his doctor in New York City. We didn’t have a thought that it could be something serious. Read More
  • Rick’s Neobladder Story

    Like others, I had symptoms without a bladder cancer diagnosis for some time – urgency and frequency for eighteen months.  I had discussed both with my physician after about nine months. He said that I was getting old (I was only 48!) and my father had prostate cancer.  Knowing that I… Read More
  • Mike’s New Normal: Bladder Cancer

    In 2016, at age 58, I was noticing changes: I needed to urinate more frequently, my stream wasn’t as strong and I was waking up several times each night. Read More
  • Jim Zito – “Never give up hope!”

    Lynn Zito shared her reflections on her husband Jim’s experience with bladder cancer. I don’t think people take bladder cancer seriously enough. Many think bladder cancer is just a disease of older people. They can have their bladder removed, and they will have a… Read More