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  • Carlos’s Story: Bladder Cancer Didn’t Stop Me

    Carlos and his wife, Angie, on vacation in British Columbia. It was in the fall of 2016 when I noticed that sometimes my urine would have a slight discoloration. It was very subtle, just a light pink tinge that would only happen occasionally. I really did not think anything of… Read More
  • Glenn’s Story: My Mother Had Bladder Cancer, I Had Bladder Cancer

    Glenn H., his wife and his mother, who also had bladder cancer. In the summer of 2009, I began having trouble urinating and voiding. At the time I was 54 and thought “Well, maybe it’s the prostate or something,” but it eventually went away. My family and I took a… Read More
  • Dave’s Story: My Journey With Bladder Cancer

    This article is for those who are about to embark on this journey, or those working with patients dealing with bladder cancer. Why read it? Simple. Knowledge is power. In this case, knowing what may lie ahead when your body has become the home for cancer cells is important. Hopefully,… Read More
  • Wendy’s Story: My Dad Was the Sun and the Moon and the Stars

    My dad, Simon Lowy, was born July 3, 1929, in the Bronx, NY, to Helen and David Lowy. He had one brother. My dad played ball on the streets—stick ball—they used the sewer tops as the bases. My dad had many friends growing up. Wendy Sloane and her dad, Simon… Read More
  • Annmarie’s Story: I don’t have a bag, I have a prosthetic bladder

    A very happy Annmarie with her grandson I am a schoolteacher at a high school in Mashpee, Massachusetts. I started to have symptoms in May 2018. I was at school and I got a sharp pain in my kidney area and I thought, “Oh, kidney stones.” I knew something wasn’t… Read More
  • Bill’s Story: Unfair and a Big Scare

    This story has been provided by Bill Seavey.  It has been edited for brevity. How does an active tennis playing and hiking/biking early 70 year old white male–who never had any bad health habits–get diagnosed with a particularly virulent form of cancer about which medical professionals can’t very often definitively… Read More
  • Burt’s Story: When I heard the words “You have bladder cancer,” it was a gut punch

    I am a nephrologist and have been practicing medicine since 1976, so I look at my bladder cancer journey somewhat differently than others might.  I was having some difficulty urinating and in the process of having my prostate looked at, my doctor came out afterwards and said, “Oh, by the… Read More
  • Meet a Chapel Hill Walk to End Bladder Cancer Ambassador, Leslie Watts

    The Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network is pleased to welcome one of our two Chapel Hill Walk to End Bladder Cancer Ambassadors, Leslie Watts.  Dr. Matt Milowsky is also a Walk Ambassador.  The Chapel Hill Walk will take place on May 2, 2020. Leslie told BCAN: My husband and I… Read More
  • Jill’s Story – Diagnosed at 34

    I was diagnosed with stage IV bladder cancer in April 0f 2012.  I was 34 years old.  I had been in and out of the hospital prior to that because I could not urinate.  As it turned out, I had tumors wrapped around part of my bladder. When the doctor… Read More