Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

“It is our hope that the My Bladder Cancer Story campaign will be an avenue for those affected by bladder cancer to share their stories to be a voice for those who, for far too long, have felt alone in this fight against this disease.”

Andrea Maddox-Smith, BCAN CEO
Share Your Story
  • Walter Had Stage IV, Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

    Before his Stage IV bladder cancer diagnosis, Walter was healthy but when we could return home from the gym, there was blood in his urine. He knew that something was wrong, but he did not suspect bladder cancer. Read More
  • Krisztina Walks for Bladder Cancer Patients

    Krisztina Emodi is a nurse practitioner at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).  She works very closely with Dr. Sima Porten, a urologic cancer surgeon, a researcher at UCSF and a 2022 Walk to End Bladder Cancer ambassador. Krisztina Emodi Krisztina and Dr. Porten have been involved… Read More
  • Allen’s Story: Anger, Denial, Then Acceptance

    In March of 2014, I was diagnosed with stage two bladder cancer. I went in for my annual check-up with my general practitioner and he saw something in my blood work that he did not like, so he requested I do another blood draw. During the next six weeks, I… Read More
  • Lionel’s Story: A Great Life with a Neobladder, 25 Years Later

    Lionel Cohen is a 25-year bladder cancer survivor and credits his longevity to his decision to opt for a neobladder more than two decades ago, and also to the skill and expertise of Dr. Gary Steinberg, his surgeon. Lionel was diagnosed with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in 1997 at… Read More
  • Robert’s Story: My Mind Was Racing to the Darkest Places I Could Have Ever Imagined

    February 10, 2021 is a day I will never forget.  This was the day I was told I had abnormal cells and growths in my bladder, according to the cytology report and cystoscopy.  I was devastated, and my mind was racing to the darkest places I could have… Read More
  • Don’s Story: Don’t Be Alone on Your Bladder Cancer Journey

    My bladder cancer story began following minor surgery for vein ablation. After that, I was placed on a blood thinner.  Shortly thereafter, I noticed blood in my urine.  I was referred to a urologist who performed a cystoscopy and discovered what turned out to be a high-grade non-invasive carcinoma-in-situ. Read More
  • Kesha’s Story: Anyone Can Get Bladder Cancer. I Was 39 Years Old.

    I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in December 2019 at the age of 39. Everything happened pretty fast. Before my diagnosis, I was having what I thought were recurring urinary tract infections for six months. I went to my doctor, and he would prescribe me antibiotics, which did not… Read More
  • David’s Story: Never Give Up and Try to Stay Active

    In 2008, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Before my initial diagnosis, I had just started a new job and did not have health insurance when my symptoms appeared. I eventually went to the emergency room, where I received an ultrasound and the ER doctor informed me that they found… Read More
  • Alan’s Story: Celebrating My One Year “Stomaversary”

    In 1980, I was diagnosed with Reiter’s syndrome, an autoimmune disease consisting of a triad of symptoms, iritis, urethritis, and arthritis. Over the years, individual symptoms would occasionally flare up. My eyes would burn, or my joints would hurt, and if all three flared up simultaneously, I would have… Read More