
Share Your Story
  • Shoba’s Story: A Kidney Transplant and Then Three Different Cancers

    Watch Shoba’s TedX talk about her journey The first symptom I had for my first cancer was blood in my urine.  I had already had a kidney transplant when I was 23, seven years prior to that, so I had constant follow up appointments with a nephrologist. Read More
  • Jon’s Story: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

    Two years ago, at the age of 42, I faced a life-changing diagnosis. Despite experiencing uncomfortable symptoms for six months, it was only after noticing discoloration in my urine accompanied by blood clots that I decided to seek medical attention. Due to the pandemic, I hesitated to see a doctor,… Read More
  • Kristen’s Story: I Was 22 Years Old When I Was Diagnosed

    At the age of 22, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. For eight months, I had been experiencing bloating, burning during urination and abdominal pain. Initially, I thought it might be hormonal due to stopping my birth control. This prompted me to see my gynecologist, who told me I was… Read More
  • Glenn’s Story: Sharing My Journey to Help Others

    April 1, 2023 will be the two-year anniversary of my bladder cancer diagnosis and a few months short of my 75th birthday. I am glad to have this opportunity to relate my bladder cancer story to this point because, based on my experiences, my story will hopefully reduce some anxiety… Read More
  • Sue’s Story: Four Different Cancer Diagnoses, Including Bladder Cancer

    I was no stranger to hearing the words “you have cancer” because bladder cancer was my third cancer and fourth cancer diagnosis. Many people would think that learning of my diagnosis, I would be scared and shocked, but it was the opposite. Despite my illnesses, I have always maintained a… Read More
  • A Cautionary Tale – Victoria’s Story

    Victoria offers a caregiver’s perspective in the hopes that others can learn from her dear friend’s tragic story. Mentor, Business Partner, Father Figure I’ve always been interested in health care, from my background in pre-med and public health, to my decades of experience in helping to grow medical and dental… Read More
  • Rick’s Story: Bladder Cancer Was a New Beginning

    Rick was diagnosed with bladder cancer on June 24, 2022, at age 55.  Here is his first-person account of his journey. For the majority of my life, I maintained a healthy and active lifestyle. One Saturday morning, I woke up to use the restroom and discovered blood in my urine. Read More
  • Steve’s Journey: From Agent Orange to a Radical Cystectomy

    My journey with bladder cancer began in October 2017 at the age of 70. Being a Vietnam War veteran exposed to Agent Orange, I cannot help but think that may have played a role in my diagnosis. Before finding out that I had bladder cancer, I had mild symptoms. There… Read More
  • Ron’s Story: “It was shocking, surprising and disturbing”

    It was nine years ago when I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. The first symptom I noticed was shocking, surprising, and disturbing: blood – in my urine. I contacted a urologist at my hospital, Morristown (NJ) Medical Center. At our first meeting, he performed a TURBT (trans urethral resection… Read More