
Share Your Story
  • Krisztina Walks for Bladder Cancer Patients

    Krisztina Emodi is a nurse practitioner at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).  She works very closely with Dr. Sima Porten, a urologic cancer surgeon, a researcher at UCSF and a 2022 Walk to End Bladder Cancer ambassador. Krisztina Emodi Krisztina and Dr. Porten have been involved… Read More
  • Allen’s Story: Anger, Denial, Then Acceptance

    In March of 2014, I was diagnosed with stage two bladder cancer. I went in for my annual check-up with my general practitioner and he saw something in my blood work that he did not like, so he requested I do another blood draw. During the next six weeks, I… Read More
  • Lionel’s Story: A Great Life with a Neobladder, 25 Years Later

    Lionel Cohen is a 25-year bladder cancer survivor and credits his longevity to his decision to opt for a neobladder more than two decades ago, and also to the skill and expertise of Dr. Gary Steinberg, his surgeon. Lionel was diagnosed with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in 1997 at… Read More
  • Damon’s Story: I Did Not Fit the Profile of Your Typical Bladder Cancer Patient

    I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in October 2020 at the age of 58 but experienced symptoms two years before the diagnosis. On New Year’s Day in 2018, I noticed that I was passing what looked like blood clots. I just thought maybe I had too much champagne, or I… Read More
  • Kristi’s Story: Being an Advocate for Yourself is the Most Important Thing

    Before my diagnosis, I associated my symptoms with going through menopause; I was 55 when diagnosed. I had bleeding (hematuria) once before and decided to see my nurse practitioner. While there, they did a urinalysis and said everything was fine. The doctor confirmed my thinking that this was related… Read More
  • Robert’s Story: My Mind Was Racing to the Darkest Places I Could Have Ever Imagined

    February 10, 2021 is a day I will never forget.  This was the day I was told I had abnormal cells and growths in my bladder, according to the cytology report and cystoscopy.  I was devastated, and my mind was racing to the darkest places I could have… Read More
  • Don’s Story: Don’t Be Alone on Your Bladder Cancer Journey

    My bladder cancer story began following minor surgery for vein ablation. After that, I was placed on a blood thinner.  Shortly thereafter, I noticed blood in my urine.  I was referred to a urologist who performed a cystoscopy and discovered what turned out to be a high-grade non-invasive carcinoma-in-situ. Read More
  • Diana’s Story: Be Positive, Informed and Realistic

    My journey with cancer started 14 years ago when I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I had a hysterectomy, and no further treatment was necessary. But after I healed, I experienced intermittent spotting a few times a year. I had it checked out thoroughly, and my oncologist assured me… Read More
  • Shelby Got Bladder Cancer at 21 Years of Age

    I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2021 at the age of 21. One day I decided to make an appointment to see my OB/GYN because I was having what I thought were painful periods. The doctor did the usual pap smear, which was painful. I have a family history… Read More