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  • Scott’s Story: Bladder Cancer Didn’t Stop Me

    For the majority of my life, I have always been fit. As I got older, I adjusted my diet and my approach to continue being active in sports and fitness. I even started competing in Masters Track and Field in my 50s, winning a number of national championships. I was… Read More
  • John’s Bladder Cancer Story: “When is this Going to be Over?”

    John is a 74-year-old bladder cancer survivor who was diagnosed in 2005. Over the years, John had quite a journey and now shares his story. Hard to wrap my head around the news Being diagnosed with cancer is a hard pill to swallow and can catch you off guard. Before… Read More
  • Lee’s Story: “I decided to fight.”

    Before my diagnosis in July 2021, I was not experiencing any symptoms. It was not until I went in for my routine check-up with my cardiologist that we discovered blood in my urine. Just as concerned as I, she referred me to a urologist to follow up. Soon after, I… Read More
  • Karen: Our Bladder Cancer Story Has Been Like a Bad Netflix Series

    Karen is Spencer’s wife and she reached out to BCAN eager to share her husband’s journey with small cell bladder cancer. She described this phase of their lives like a “bad Netflix series.” Unrehearsed: Our Journey with Small Cell Bladder Cancer My husband, Spencer, was diagnosed with small cell… Read More
  • Gabrielle’s Pregnancy Saved Her Life

    “Cancer was the last thing on my mind” Cancer was the last thing on my mind when I started noticing blood in my urine and having abdominal pain. I underwent extensive fertility treatments in 2021 to have my baby and was 16 weeks pregnant when I first saw the bleeding. Read More
  • Andrew’s Bladder Cancer Story: Ask Questions and Take Advice

    Andrew tells his bladder cancer story of facing the disease without his beloved wife by his side during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More
  • Walter Had Stage IV, Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

    Before his Stage IV bladder cancer diagnosis, Walter was healthy but when we could return home from the gym, there was blood in his urine. He knew that something was wrong, but he did not suspect bladder cancer. Read More
  • Dianne’s Story: I Thought I Was Going to Die

    In December 2019, I had a tiny bit of blood in my urine, which prompted me to see my primary doctor. He believed that it was a bladder or urinary tract infection and gave me antibiotics, which made me feel better. Later that week, I was scheduled for an appointment… Read More
  • Ann’s Story: Bladder Cancer Runs in the Family

    Bladder cancer runs in the family My bladder cancer journey started in 2019 when I was diagnosed with stage one non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. However, this was not the first time I heard about this disease. In 2014, my father was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He spent his career working… Read More